We started our Phonics lessons today.
Please note: In Junior Infants we say the letter sound and not the letter name. Please see the video below for our sound of the day and the song. Our sound for today is 's'.
Can you find all the objects that start with the 's' sound?
Every child has a story book in their bag. Please read this story with your child. Encourage them to discuss the book by asking the following questions:
Can you predict what will happen in the story?
What do you think will happen next?
After the story:
Can you retell the story? What happened first/ next/ then/ after that/ at the end?
Can you describe the character?
If you would like a new story tomorrow please just send the book back in tomorrow and I'll change it. (I'll quarantine those that were brought home today.)
Planet Maths Number Practice books are in your children's bags. We're working on counting accurately up to 5. Please complete pages 26 and 27.
Children draw the correct number of objects. (They can draw anything they want e.g. happy faces, circles, hearts, etc)
Below are some websites if your child would like to complete extra games/ activities online.
Can you feed Teddy the correct amount of cakes? (Junior Infants are only required to count accurately to 5 but if your child is able feel free to do the activity to 10.)