Friday, 21 October 2022

Magnificent Maths Week (and much much more) 😁

We kicked off Maths Week with a fun art activity. We read the story Lines That Wiggle by Candace Whitman, went on a line hunt in the classroom and created wonderful pictures using the primary colours and lots of different lines (lines that wiggle, bend, curve, wave, curl, whirl, cross cross, zig zag).
We played with a lovely maths resource called numicon and played lots of maths games throughout the week.
We also decorated witches tights using patterns for another art activity using clay (photos to follow next week as it’s not yet finished).

Halloween has well and truest arrived in Junior Infants as our Potions Lab is up and running in the role play area. There are spells being cast all day long and the children and teachers have been turned into princesses, pirates, superheroes, goblins, monsters, spiders, frogs, etc on a daily basis!
We drew spiders in a guided drawing activity and we also joined Ms. Colleran and her fabulous 6th class for an exciting art lesson on Friday. We can’t wait to team up with our buddies in 6th class again soon for more fun!